American Psychology Law Society — Portland Oregon — March 2019

The Law and Memory Processes (LAMP) lab in Portland, Oregon for the 2019 Meeting of the American Psychology Law Society. (Left to right: Brittany Race, Nia Gipson, Andrew Provenzano, Blake Erickson, Kara Moore, & Amber Giacona)

Brittany presenting a poster describing the post-identification context reinstatement phenomenon that she discovered and has replicated three times now. The research shows that context reinstatement can help witnesses to more accurately recall their meta-cognitive state from the time they made their identification.

Andrew giving a talk to a packed crowd on his research looking at how jurors respond to eyewitness identification evidence. The research examines whether witnesses can take into account variations in witnessing conditions (i.e., distance, illumination) when evaluating eyewitness identification evidence.

Nia presents her poster on how basic research on face perception can influence eyewitness identification accuracy. The research focuses on how variability and number of encounters with an individual can influence your ability to recognize the person later on.

Amber presents our research on voluntary adoption of eyewitness identification standards by law enforcement agencies in Arkansas.

LAMP lab outing to the Portland Zoo. (Pictured: Nia Gipson, Andrew Provenzano, & Amber Giacona)

A major part of APLS this year was a symposium the LAMP lab helped lead on how to deal with tradeoffs in identification research. Speakers included lab collaborators Dr. Andrew Smith (Carleton University) and Dr. Yueran Yang (University of Nevada, Reno). Because Dr. Lampinen’s flight was cancelled due to the weather, his talk on the Four Utilities approach was delivered by Dr. Smith (top). Brittany gave an outstanding capstone talk reviewing trivial and non-trivial cases in ROC research (middle). Dr. Gary Wells (Iowa State) served as the discussant (bottom).

LAMP lab alum, Dr. Kara Moore (Assistant Professor, Knox College) presents a talk on prospective person memory.

LAMP lab alum, Dr. William Blake Erickson (Assistant Professor, Texas A&M, San Antonio), presented his work on the weapon focus effect in eyewitness identification research.

LAMP lab family dinner at Yard House Restaurant in Portland. Pictured from left to right: Nia Gipson, Dr. Kara Moore, Andrew Provenzano, Brittany Race, Amber Giacona, Dr. William Blake Erickson, Dr. Dawn Weatherford, & Dr. Chris Peters. Fun times and a great way to celebrate APLS!